
    Easter Memories

    As I get up in years, are far do you ask? Here’s a clue, I remember air raid drills in elementary school. We even has “go home air raid drills.” They reason for this was because, we had a lot of defense manufacturing and research in my town. That will be a subject another post at another time. I have been doing some reflecting as of late, and more so now that I will be losing a sibling, unless there is a miracle. I have been thinking about Easter and I found some old photos to jog my memory.

    Growing up we didn’t have much money but as a kid. We were never made to think we were poor. We had hand me down clothes from friends and the salvation army. My mother made a lot of clothes for herself and my sisters. So…. on this one particular Easter, my mother made matching dresses for all three. It was a nice spring weather and the clothes represented for that time of year. A week prior to the weather was warm showing early signs of spring. We woke up Sunday morning and we had 6 in of snow. So much for the nice spring weather. Of course Easter was also a time when we had family photo’s taken. My dad was taking our pictures and then I’m taking picture of my mom and dad.

    On a couple of occasions I remember we went to my grandparents house for Easter dinner. One year I got sick, there went that school vacation. Another Easter vacation was ruined, when my sisters and I had chickenpox.

    One of the things my grandmother gave us was an Easter egg that was the size of a softball. There were made of a sugary shell with an opening on one end of the egg. When you peered into the egg, there was an Easter scene inside. I don’t remember the depiction of the scene. I don’t know if they make them any more. As far as getting any Easter baskets, it consisted of one basket, colored eggs, some jelly beans and maybe a chocolate egg. We would color eggs and then eat the Sunday morning.

    We always went to church, in fact we we regular church goers. I don’t the have the any more, but we always attend a sunrise service. Some Sundays it was warm and sunny, other times it could be sunny and cold. Oh, by the way, the sunrise service was literally at sunrise, and outside at a park called Round Top. There was a picnic area on the top of a small mountain. Needless to say, afternoon naps were a must. Heaven forbid you fell asleep at church.

    The Easter message never changed. The good news of the Easter story not only offers us the hope of the future glory of eternal life after death, but the lens through which to look in the meantime as we gaze at Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.

    Jesus, God’s Son in the flesh, lived a life here on earth so that He could sympathize with our sufferings, weaknesses, and temptations (Hebrews 4:15). And yet, He lived the perfect life, fulfilling age-old prophesies, being the blameless sacrificial lamb, the only one worthy to bear our sins.

    That cross, that He willingly laid himself upon to be killed by the very people He came to save, is where the consequences of our sins meet the loving, undeserved, righteous atonement Christ freely offers. He provided forgiveness and freedom for us through this act of love and ultimate sacrifice.

    The tomb, where the power of death seemed triumphant, is where our old lives, full of decay, are brought to new life in Christ. The despairing grief of the stone sealing in the scarred body of our Savior is met with the greatest of hopes as the tomb was found empty on the dawn of the third day. This is what the resurrection means for us. God is for us, and the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead can now live in us. For those who believe, the barrier of sin is broken, giving us full access to live in the hope, comfort, and joy He gives.

    Those are my memories of Easter from an senior ordinary American, Happy Easter.


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